Dr. Paul Bao, Ph. D
Vice President & Chief Acedemic Officer
Anthem Education Group
Phoenix, AZ ~ 11:19 AM on 2.17.2010
Bob Cohen, Editor for The Career College Association's publication The Link asked me to shoot an environmental portrait of Dr. Paul Bao for the Spring 2010 issue of The Link.
I scouted the location a few days before the shoot and found this meeting room full of chairs and knew it would offer an opportunity to do somethig interesting with the lighting.
In the feature article titled "Learning Matters" ...Experts describe challenges and opportunities of older students. Dr. Bao talks about the idea of "Learning to Learn."
Bao suggests that "learning to learn" has to be a big part of the curriculum. Anthem starts out incoming students with a course titled "career success." According to Bao, "We believe careers begin as [students] start school. So in that course we are trying to instill the concept of lifelong learning and cultivate the idea that learning on the job is a part of the career. They will also teach them the specific learning strategies, as well, in that course so that they are orientated into the college environment," Bao says.
Learning to learn "also means learning to adapt and to embrace change, not resist it. Adult learners need to anticipate the next curve in the road and know how to steer into it. For that, soft skills loom large."